Main features of the 5GCity Orchestrator – Final Release
This section lists and explains the main features offered by the released 5GCity Orchestrator software in its final release. The goal here is to list features that have been implemented based on the specifications provided in Deliverable D4.1. Many of these features were present in the interim release (Deliverable D4.2) and have been further tested or enhanced for the final release. Components and features that are completely new in this final release are annotated as. The rest of listed features have undergone a refinement and bug fixing process thus incorporating updates aimed at stabilizing operation.
Browse infrastructure
- View physical resources available in the 5GCity platform:
- Computes
- Physical networks.
- Access networks.
Manage infrastructure
- Create and Delete physical resources in the 5GCity platform:
- Computes
- Physical networks.
- Access networks.
Manage slices
- Create chunks (i.e., partitions of the previously listed resources).
- View, create, edit, and delete slices as collections of chunks.
RAN activation
- Trigger the activation of the RAN components of a slice.
- Respective options are given to handle slices that include no RAN, only Wi-Fi, only LTE/5G, or both RAN technologies.
Manage services instances
- View, create and delete network services instances currently deployed in 5GCity
Authenticate users
- login/logout as well as featuring data/features based on the permission level of the user, supporting two roles (“Infrastructure Owner” and “Slice User”) as well as multi-tenancy.
List SDK services
- List SDK services available in the local database
Manage services
- Add, edit, or delete an SDK service by using a graphical interface (5GCity dashboard dedicated pages):
- The SDK service topology is edited through a drag and drop interface.
- SDK Functions and service configurations are done through menu definition (no json or XML editing is required)
Publish services
- Publish created services to the 5G App & Service Catalogue (3rd party external software), directly interfaced to OSM NFVO and catalogue service
List SDK functions
- List SDK functions available in the local database
Manage functions
- Add, edit, or delete an SDK functions by using a graphical interface (5GCity dashboard dedicated pages) :
- The SDK function topology is edited through a drag and drop interface.
Publish functions
- Publish created functions to the 5G App & Service Catalogue (3rd party external software), directly interfaced to OSM NFVO and catalogue service
SDK core
SDK Functions
- Create a new SDK function.
- Retrieve a list of available SDK functions.
- Retrieve a specific SDK function.
- Delete a specific SDK function.
- Modify existing SDK functions.
- Publish/Unpublish a specific SDK function to/from 5G App & Service Catalogue
- Import SDK functions from VNFDs in 5G App & Service Catalogue at start-up and periodically:
- Create SDK function when new VNF packages are present in 5G app & service catalogue
- Remove SDK function/s when corresponding VNF package is not found (e.g. VNFpackage removed on 5G app & catalogue and to be removed from SDK as well).
- Define a list of monitoring parameters related to an SDK function:
- Creation of parameters.
- Modification of parameters.
- Deletion of parameters.
SDK Services
- Create a new SDK service.
- A service might be composed by different functions and/or other services.
- Retrieve a list of available SDK services.
- Retrieve an SDK service.
- Delete an SDK service.
- Modify existing SDK services.
- Publish/Unpublish SDK services to/from 5G App & Service Catalogue.
- Define a list of monitoring parameters related to an SDK service:
- Creation of parameters.
- Modification of parameters.
- Deletion of parameters.
- Define a list of action rules related to an SDK service:
- Creation on action rules.
- Modification of action rules.
- Deletion of action rules.
Multi-tenancy management
- SDK services and SDK functions can now belong to a project mapped 1:1 with a slice created by slice-manager
- Create a new project.
- Retrieve a list of available projects.
- Retrieve a specific project.
- Delete a specific project.
- Add/remove a user to/from a project.
- Retrieve a list of available projects per user.
5GCity platform component for Authentication and Authorization of Platform users.
- Integration of state-of-the-art authentication and authorization in front of all interfaces exposed by the platform components, based on Keycloak and Gravitee.
- Support rules for data access security required by multi-tenancy features of the neutral hosting model.
Slice Manager
Manage infrastructure owner resources.
- Create, read, and delete “partitionable” resources that shall be offered by the infrastructure owner/neutral host for the creation of slices, namely:
- Compute resources.
- Physical network resources (for the network interfaces of the above compute resources)
- Access network resources (currently only Wi-Fi APs)
- Network link resources (for the links that interconnect compute and access network resources)
Manage chunking/partitioning of infrastructure owner resources
- Create, read, and delete chunks (i.e., partitions) of the previously listed resources, by specifying quotas, i.e., what part/percentage of the whole resource a chunk shall include/reserve a chunk. According to the supported resources (see previous feature), the following chunks are currently supported:
- Compute chunks (provisioned based on OpenStack projects)
- Physical network chunks (provisioned based on OpenStack physical networks)
- Access node chunks (currently only for Wi-Fi access)
- Physical link chunks (as portion of the bandwidth offered by a physical link, currently not enforced by an SDN controller)
Manage slices
- Create, read, and delete slices, which are defined as collections of previously listed chunks, belonging to a specific slice user and potentially having specific characteristics.
- Activate of the RAN ingredients of a slice on-demand after its creation. This involves:
- The automated launching of vEPC (virtual Evolved Packet Core) instances if the slice includes an LTE/5G RAN part.
- The automated launching of a DHCP service if the slice includes a Wi-Fi part.
- The appropriate matching of VLAN tags used in the core network with those used in the RAN.
Manage slice users
- Create, read, update, delete (CRUD) slice users, who can manage slices and deploy network services on them.
Manage network services (on slices)
- Create, read, and delete network services, including deploying and un-deploying network service instances on specific slices.
Integrate intelligent resource placement for service instances
- For the aforementioned network services an optimal deployment is retrieved by providing slice and service info from the placement module, and then appropriately triggering the placement-aware API of the MTO, including all the required placement details.
Infrastructure Abstraction
Provide abstraction of multiple underline RAN controllers and technologies to the Slice Manager.
- Create, read, update, delete (CRUD) RAN controller profiles.
Manage a catalogue of virtualized network resources.
- Create, read, update, delete (CRUD) a dictionary of virtualized resources.
Delegate virtualized network resources requests from the Slice Manager to the controllers.
- Receive and retransmit requests of virtualized network resource to/from different RAN controllers.
Provide abstraction in front of multiple underlying orchestrators:
- Delegate service lifecycle management calls to ETSI Open Source Mano (OSM).
- Retrieve MEC application descriptors associated with instantiated network services from a catalogue and pass them to a MEC platform to be applied.
Implement fine-granular placement instructions for the service instances:
- Translation of placement instructions into configuration commands as required by the NFVO in order to realize the desired placement.
Manage Mobile Edge (ME) platforms
- Create, read, update, delete (CRUD) operations, allows the definition and lifecycle management of ME platforms running on different mobile edge hosts
Manage ME applications
- Create, read, update, delete operations enabling:
- Registration of an ME app in any ME platform registered with this MEAO.
- Removal of a given ME app from any ME platform registered with this MEAO.
- Update of a given ME app from any ME platform registered with this MEAO.
- Discovery of ME Apps inside any ME platform registered with this MEAO.
Manage MEC services across ME platforms
- Create, read, update, delete operations enabling:
- Register a service to any ME platform registered with this MEAO.
- Removal of a given service from any ME platform registered with this MEAO.
- Update of a given service from any ME platform registered with this MEAO.
- Service discovery within any ME platform registered with this MEAO.
Manage the Domain Name Service (DNS) rules across ME platforms
- Create, read, update, delete operations, providing a dynamic DNS service for a given ME platform.
Manage MEC services
- Create, read, update, delete operations exposed by the ME platform enabling:
- Register a service in this platform
- Removal of a given service from this platform
- Update of a given service in this platform
- Service discovery within this platform
Manage DNS (Domain Name Service) rules
- Create, read, update, delete operations, providing a dynamic DNS service for all ME apps connected to this ME Platform.
Manage ME app notifications
- The ME Platform can notify other ME Apps or Services about lifecycle management changes of a given ME app.
As NFVO core engine, we use OSM Release 6 by referring the official documentation in https://osm.etsi.org/ to describe its features.
- Note 1: The 5GCity extensions to ETSI OSM release 5 (which can be found in the modified OSM version of the 5GCity GitHub repository) enabled the support of fog05 (https://projects.eclipse.org/proposals/eclipse-fog05) as a VIM, in order to add MEC features required by the 5GCity platform. These additions (5GCity contributions) have been integrated in OSM release 6, so now we are just using release 6 unmodified.
- Note 2: 5GCity partners have contributed in the OSM WIM plugin, which was already included also in the official OSM Release 5 and can be used to implement part of the Infrastructure abstraction and WAN resource manager of 5GCity.
Manage monitored nodes
- Create, read, update, and delete operations allow the definition of a resource that is exposing monitoring parameters.
Manage monitored jobs (exporters)
- Create, read, update, and delete operations allow the definition of a job as the group of monitoring parameters to be collected, e.g.:
- NODE (VM related metrics).
Manage monitored services
- Create, Read, Update, Delete operations that allow the definition of the set of resources and jobs that are used to monitor a service.
Expose collected metrics
- Query monitoring parameters, e.g.:
- Read all system (VM) metrics for a resource
- Read all system (VM) metrics for all the resources of service
Support for custom metrics
- Register and query custom (service-specific) metrics.
View collected metrics
- Expose monitoring parameters through a local Dashboard, grouped by service and/or resource.
Alerting support (partly implementing the 5GCity SLA Manager functionality)
- Create Alert Rules to define thresholds and alerts
- Send Alerts to a custom endpoint (e.g.: Dashboard)
- Get the list of active alerts
Resource placement
Calculate the optimal placement of VNFs that compose a network service by taking into consideration the network topology and resources.